A deep "THANK YOU" to the 257 stories shared by Branch Leaders across the globe.
These were shared in the process of the IFRC Branch Development Special Event, organized on 2023 March 15th and they are each valuable and unique stories.
These are branch voices not heard otherwise, expressing a breadth of experience across the world.
The sharing of these stories shows a growing shift in perceptions of people at branches; from being recipients of knowledge, to being producers of knowledge and seen as active change agents in their National Societies and for the IFRC Network.
IFRC will continue to invite branches to share stories, continue to learn from branches, arrange for events based on needs--- all through the building of the Branch Development Communities of Practice.
Here, you may find the outcome analysis of the stories shared.
Find what was highlighted through these stories-- what success Branches see and what challenges they face.
Want to watch what was discussed in the Event itself? Also, take a look at the video!